Grade Level Milestones

Dear Parents,

We are excited to announce that this year, WCE is trying to foster an even stronger connection between home and school, and engage all our parents in our student's education. One way we are hoping to achieve this is by providing incentives for students when they achieve certain "grade level milestones". Teachers are tracking these goals in the classroom on space themed bulletin boards. Given a star or rocket, each students will travel through the solar system (on the bulletin board), traveling from one planet to the next, trying to reach planet "Excellence". When a child reaches planet "Excellence", then they will have the privilege of participating in a "Ring the Bell" ceremony, where they will get to ring the bell, while their class is applauding their accomplishment. We will do our best to post these celebratory moments on our Facebook page as well.

Teachers and students are also tracking their progress toward meeting their grade level milestone goals in their Progress Monitoring Tracking Folders as well. This helps the children self-assess their own progress, set goals, and make a plan to achieve those goals. I highly recommend that you ask your child regularly, "How are you doing on meeting your Grade Level Milestones? What planet are you on now?" Or ask them to bring home their Tracking folders regularly, so that you too can monitor their progress and encourage their continued growth and improvement.

Our first "Ring the Bell" ceremony will be on Nov. 4th. We know that only a few students will have achieved the end of the year goal by then, but some already have - and we want to celebrate their achievements! We anticipate that the number of students getting to "ring the bell" will grow at each ceremony that follows. Thank you for supporting your child in achieving their Grade Level Milestones by tracking their progress and encouraging them to meet their goals.

The grade level milestones the students will be trying to achieve by the end of the year are as follows:



Mrs. Bolton, Principal

West Columbia Elementary

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